Anyone who loves gastronomy, especially French gastronomy, knows all about the famous beef bourguignon. A typically French dish, synonymous with a gastronomic meal as well as an ideal meal to share with the family. It is a dish that is an emblem of the town it comes from, a meal that has a whole history.

History of Beef Bourguignon

Beef bourguignon, as its name suggests, comes from Burgundy. It is a traditional dish from France, a dish that serves as a reference in gastronomy and also an emblem of its city of origin. The name "bœuf Bourguignon" comes from the two main ingredients of the dish which are red wine and of course beef. The city of Burgundy is famous for the quality of the cattle breeding that is found there and of course, is also famous for the wines they produce. Thus, this famous dish came out of it. The perfect combination of the specialities of a city in a single dish. But if we go back a little further in the history of the dish itself, it is a dish that the peasants and villagers used to prepare in order to be able to taste it during the festive periods in the village.

The recipe and preparation of the beef bourguignon

The beef bourguignon recipe, its secret lies in the cooking and the sauce in which the beef is cooked. To begin with, you will have to prepare the cooking sauce which is based on red wine, onion and garlic as well as bacon. This sauce is called "sauce bourguignonne". Then the beef is cooked over a low heat with the sauce. The purpose of this cooking is to give the beef the taste and flavour of the wine. Thus, at the end of all the preparation, the beef will be cooked to perfection and will thus be tasty, thanks to the mixtures with which it has been made.

Tips from great chefs to make your beef bourguignon a success

In order to enjoy a good beef bourguignon dish, its preparation and cooking must be perfect. This means choosing quality ingredients to make the dish a success. For example, choose a quality red wine and pieces of beef that are tender for better cooking. A small piece of advice is that the cooking must be done the day before consumption because the preparation takes time. To make the meat sauce lighter but appetizing, add orange zest to the preparation. And don't forget to enjoy it with a glass of red wine.