For lovers of red meat, a prime rib is the real barbecue masterpiece. The key to a successful rib steak is preparation and cooking, which is the key to a perfect barbecue. Because a prime rib is worth a lot of cuts, it requires a great deal of skill to make it a real specialty. Being in perfect harmony with wine, beef should be enjoyed with friends or family to spice up any event. Furthermore, a barbecue rib steak is a popular cooking method to appreciate the true taste of red meat with a hearty seasoning. Find out how to make a barbecue prime rib.

Choose the right piece of rib

The choice of the piece is a crucial step in the success of your prime rib. The Blonde d'Aquitaine as well as the Charolais are optimal options as a meat breed. To be sure you've chosen the right beef, make sure it's well greased so that it offers a special taste after cooking. Also, choosing matured meat is not a bad taste. However, meat that is still rare should be banned for a delicious rib-eye barbecue.

Good preparation to ensure optimal flavour

Basic salt and pepper are important seasonings for a grill. For those who have patience, it is better to let the salted meat rest for 12 hours to get a good meat structure. However, don't forget the importance of the marinade making your barbecue especially different from the usual. To do this, add a variety of spices such as garlic for a surprising smell, paprika or rosemary. If you like a sweet marinade, mix the meat with honey or sugar. Fruits such as mangoes and pineapples are welcome for a great taste.

Cooking will determine the quality of your grill

The final stage of the barbecue is to determine the level of cooking of the meat. Depending on your tastes, the prime rib can be blue, rare or medium rare. First of all, the thickness of the meat will come into play in order to choose the cooking time. For an optimal texture, the cooking should not be too lively because the meat may dry out. Prefer slow cooking so as not to burn the outer layer. Please do not prick the meat when you turn it over and at the end of cooking, wrap your piece of beef in aluminium foil to spread the juices throughout the rib.